Early May marks the beginning of Bealtaine – the ancient Celtic festival.
Traditionally, Bealtaine was to celebrate the end of the dark Winter, and the movement into Spring - or the light. The word Bealtaine originates from the old Irish word "bright fire". The festival was marked all over Ireland, with fires and rituals celebrating the beginning of the bright part of the year.
While these ancient celebrations and rituals may be forgotten in our modern world, we can honour this important transition into the light in our own way. By simply paying attention to the changes in nature, the abundance around us, the sharpness of the light and through the enjoyment of the rays of the sun on our face. We may also feel some subtle changes in how we feel - physically as well as mentally. It's generally a time of greater optimism and lighter energy. It's a natural time of awakening, renewal and new beginnings - especially relevant as we come out of restrictions.
A time of action
We can take inspiration from the significance of Bealtaine, by - literally and metaphorically - planting seeds. What do we wish to give our attention and focus to, to make the most of this fertile and abundant time? We have more energy available to us, so it makes sense to output more than usual. This is true up until the Summer Solstice in June, when the peak energy begins to decline and slow down. If you have been procrastinating about starting something, now is ideal time to get into action mode.
A time of physical celebration
It's also a time when we can "shed our layers". We may want to get more comfortable with our bodies, through movement, dance, massage, and anything that nourishes our own unique relationship with our physical body. We may also help this process through eating lighter, natural and more seasonal foods. We may be more encouraged to get out into the fresh air and exercise.
A time of clarity
Fire, and the energy of the sun, are associated with clarity. You could ask yourself what part of your life needs clarity. Perhaps you have had a decision to make, without seeming to get anywhere, and now you may naturally get the clarity you need to move forward. You can also help this process by simply asking for clarity through some kind of action, or ritual. Be it prayer, or writing down an affirmation inviting clarity. Here's a few examples of ones I like:
When I listen to my heart, I know what to do.
Today I am blessed with absolute clarity. I am on purpose and achieving results.
My purpose is clear and my life path opens before me!
Wishing you clarity, productivity and lightness for the coming weeks !
Article Written by Kerry White
Kerry is a Workplace Health & Wellbeing Facilitator, Speaker, Life Coach, Yoga Teacher & Shiatsu Therapist and the founder of Kerry Wellbeing.
Kerry specialises in workplace sessions to help people feel as well as possible, physically & mentally. Through practical and collaborative sessions, Kerry equips people with effective tools and insights to help them deal positively with everyday stress, challenges and common health and well-being complaints (including backache, headaches, fatigue and anxiety).
Her coaching work supports clients to identify, and achieve, meaningful, yet realistic goals.
Kerry has brought her unique practical sessions and talks to numerous top corporates and organisations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, where she worked for many years. She has also held other international corporate roles in sales, MedTech and training. Because she has spent many years working in pressured office-based roles, Kerry understands the challenges many people experience.