As a Yoga Teacher, knowledge of the “Chakras” is fundamental. I remember in my initial Yoga Teacher Training course, this ancient system was introduced in the very first week. Having been a Yoga student for a number of years before, I was pretty familiar with the theory of these 7 energetic centres that are thought to run throughout our body.
This ancient system, helped me to understand myself better. It helped me figure out what I needed to find balance, to feel my best.
Until recently, I have only really heard the word “chakra” in the confines of a Yoga studio. Last week I attended a talk as part of my continued development as an Executive and Life Coach. Positive Success Group (PSG) is a professional body of experts qualified in modern coaching methods, as well as a pioneer in coaching based upon neuroscience. Chakras were not mentioned throughout this diploma course, so you can imagine my ears instantly pricked up when the topic of the talk last week was on the chakras and our “whole energy system”.
Here I was, in such familiar territory, yet the focus was different. This was about chakras in the context of modern coaching and neuroscience. I was all ears.
The session addressed how balance in our chakras feels, and equally, how imbalance in a particular chakra can impact us. To provide some context, chakra 3, or the “Power” chakra is situated at the solar plexus – above the navel and below the sternum. This chakra is all about our self-esteem and our personal power. It’s also about our creativity, our willpower and ability to follow our true path in life. It’s about rising to the challenge, when necessary!
When this chakra is healthy and in balance, we are courageous. We can accept the presence of fear and doubt, yet not allow these feelings to keep us stuck. When this chakra is out of balance, we may not have healthy boundaries. We may feel like a victim, rather than take personal responsibility. We may not even have the courage to say “NO"! Sound familiar?!
Moving down the body, to our first chakra, or “root” chakra. This is, as you may expect, the lowest chakra in our body – it’s also known as the “base” chakra. When this energy centre is out of whack, we may feel unstable and insecure. It relates to our most basic need for survival. Think of the roots of a tree – if these aren’t well established, they will have difficulty staying upright during a storm. Our own “roots” are similar – they form an anchor and are vital for our overall sense of wellbeing. This root chakra can suffer if we are stressed about our finances, our home or our job. It can also be affected if our psychological basic needs aren’t being met – our human need for love, affection, connection and acceptance.
There are another five chakras or "energetic centres" that I haven't yet mentioned. Each can play a role in how we experience life. I will be writing about these in articles to come, so stay tuned.
Perhaps some of this resonates. But don’t worry if it does! Our experience as human beings means that our emotions are constantly being challenged, our experiences – past and present – have an impact on us. Yet we have all we need naturally to resolve imbalances.
With self-awareness, with the right support, and with practices that move energy in the body, we can regain the natural balance in our whole energy system.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article, and perhaps gained a new insight or perspective. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment or get in touch. I would love to hear from you!
Article by Kerry White
Kerry is a Workplace Health & Wellbeing Facilitator, Speaker, Holistic Coach, Yoga Teacher & Shiatsu Therapist and the founder of Kerry Wellbeing.
Kerry specialises in workplace sessions to help people feel as well as possible, physically & mentally. Through practical and collaborative sessions, Kerry equips people in the workplace with effective tools and insights to help them deal positively with everyday stress, challenges and common health and well-being complaints (including backache, headaches, fatigue and anxiety).
Kerry has brought her unique health & wellbeing sessions to numerous top corporates and organisations, including the World Health Organization (WHO). Because she has spent many years working in pressured office-based roles, Kerry understands the challenges many people experience, both physically and mentally.
For more information on Kerry's workplace sessions, visit: